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Regular workshops take place throughout the year. Please keep your eyes peeled on the website

& our social media platforms for details! 


10th April: Spring Yoga 
18.30 - 20.00
In person: £15 or Online: £12

11th May: Gut Health for Wellbeing
14.00 - 17.00

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Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra
with Su, Adur Valley Yoga

Every 1st Sunday of the month

10am to 11.30am in the Studio


Email: or call: 07743 855837


Regular monthly Sunday group/workshop

 £15 booked in advance 

Every 2nd Sunday of the month

12-1.30pm - (Beginners)

in the Mezzanine

Babette has a qualified background of massage and teaching exercise and is a certified TRE provider having trained with TRE for ALL (founder/developer Dr David Berceli of TRE LLC) 


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The-One-Circle-Shoreham, with Zsuzsi Purnell

Every 4th Sunday of the month

5.30pm to 7.30pm in the Mezzanine

A monthly circle for connection, expression and release; a safe-space for self-discovery,

empowerment and transformation.
Zsuzsi and Sherina invite you to join them for an evening of sharing which will include yoga, breathwork and meditation, as well as the essential ingredient of laughter!

Suggested donations for the two-hour session are £5-£30




with Lenka at WildFlower pilates 

Saturday 18th May 2-5pm

Investment: £35
to book/ask/discuss please contact me:

A practical workshop for maintaining or restoring the health of your pelvis and pelvic floor/diaphragm


The health of our pelvic floor/diaphragm is so important for our overall well-being, yet so rarely talked about. Let's get together, discover, experience and learn:

Discover your pelvis and pelvic floor/diaphragm and their relationships with other seemingly separate but in fact very inter-connected parts of our body and psyche. 

Experience this pivotal area of your body through embodied anatomy and practical exploration through movement and felt sense.

Learn simple and effective tools for the health of your pelvis and pelvic floor/diaphragm. This awareness will bring new focus into your everyday life and enhance your movement practice, helping you to maintain or restore the health of your pelvic area with confidence. 


No matter your age, whether you have recently (or long time ago) given birth or whether you have no children, whether you feel healthy or are experiencing discomfort, pain or issues in and/or around your pelvis, back or abdominals you will benefit from this workshop.

*** Whilst this workshop is directed at women, I'm aware that men equally need and benefit from connecting with their pelvic floor/diaphragm. Men, who feel the need to address this pivotal area of our bodies, please do contact me and I will put you through to a male practitioner, which I believe makes the healing and learning more accessible.

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